13 research outputs found

    Modelling Uncertainty in Black-box Classification Systems

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    [eng] Currently, thanks to the Big Data boom, the excellent results obtained by deep learning models and the strong digital transformation experienced over the last years, many companies have decided to incorporate machine learning models into their systems. Some companies have detected this opportunity and are making a portfolio of artificial intelligence services available to third parties in the form of application programming interfaces (APIs). Subsequently, developers include calls to these APIs to incorporate AI functionalities in their products. Although it is an option that saves time and resources, it is true that, in most cases, these APIs are displayed in the form of blackboxes, the details of which are unknown to their clients. The complexity of such products typically leads to a lack of control and knowledge of the internal components, which, in turn, can drive to potential uncontrolled risks. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods capable of evaluating the performance of these black-boxes when applied to a specific application. In this work, we present a robust uncertainty-based method for evaluating the performance of both probabilistic and categorical classification black-box models, in particular APIs, that enriches the predictions obtained with an uncertainty score. This uncertainty score enables the detection of inputs with very confident but erroneous predictions while protecting against out of distribution data points when deploying the model in a productive setting. In the first part of the thesis, we develop a thorough revision of the concept of uncertainty, focusing on the uncertainty of classification systems. We review the existingrelated literature, describing the different approaches for modelling this uncertainty, its application to different use cases and some of its desirable properties. Next, we introduce the proposed method for modelling uncertainty in black-box settings. Moreover, in the last chapters of the thesis, we showcase the method applied to different domains, including NLP and computer vision problems. Finally, we include two reallife applications of the method: classification of overqualification in job descriptions and readability assessment of texts.[spa] La tesis propone un método para el cálculo de la incertidumbre asociada a las predicciones de APIs o librerías externas de sistemas de clasificación

    A Survey on Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning Classification Systems from a Bayesian Perspective

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    Decision-making based on machine learning systems, especially when this decision-making can affect humanlives, is a subject of maximum interest in the Machine Learning community. It is, therefore, necessary to equipthese systems with a means of estimating uncertainty in the predictions they emit in order to help practition-ers make more informed decisions. In the present work, we introduce the topic of uncertainty estimation, andwe analyze the peculiarities of such estimation when applied to classification systems. We analyze differentmethods that have been designed to provide classification systems based on deep learning with mechanismsfor measuring the uncertainty of their predictions. We will take a look at how this uncertainty can be mod-eled and measured using different approaches, as well as practical considerations of different applications ofuncertainty. Moreover, we review some of the properties that should be borne in mind when developing suchmetrics. All in all, the present survey aims at providing a pragmatic overview of the estimation of uncertaintyin classification systems that can be very useful for both academic research and deep learning practitioners

    Genetic structure and population connectivity of the blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus

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    The blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus is a demersal marine species harvested by bottom trawling in the Mediterranean Sea, the adjacent Atlantic Ocean (AO) waters, and the Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean (IO). As it is considered to be a priority species for sustainable fishing, identification of its genetic stocks and the connectivity between them is essential. Using 12 microsatellite loci we detected at least four genetic stocks distributed in the Western Mediterranean (WM), Eastern Mediterranean (EM), AO, and IO and signals for a possible fifth stock in the Alborán Sea. We detected no additional population structuring within the WM. Thus, although the Almería-Orán Front exerts some isolating effect, high genetic homogeneity and gene flow are present within the WM Basin. The IO stock is genetically closer to the AO stock than to the others; thus, the species dispersion route is more likely via the Atlantic Ocean than via the Red Sea. Large effective population sizes suggest population sustainability, but moderate genetic diversity values indicate to proceed with caution. Our genetic results serve as a basis for species conservation to ensure long-term sustainability of this marine resourceThis work was supported by grants to M.I.R. by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (CTM2006–00785) and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (CTM2014-54648-C2-2-R). Additional support to S.H by PADI foundation. L.P. benefited from a predoctoral fellowship from the University of Girona (BR2014)S

    Proyecto de educación en salud ambiental: "El castillo mágico"

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    El presente es un proyecto de educación en salud ambiental titulado "El Castillo Mágico", realizado por Médicos del Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom que cursan el Diplomado en Educación Superior en Salud de la Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador (UEES), promoción 2002, válido como trabajo de graduación. Tiene como propósito que a través de actividades recreativas los niños(as) que consultan a este hospital, se conviertan en personas susceptibles de participar en forma positiva y activa en el proceso de cambio ecológico, para mejorar el medio ambiente en que viven y por ende su salud, partiendo de la concepción de la salud y la enfermedad como un fenómeno bio-psico-social

    Development and characterization of novel microsatellites markers by next generation sequencing for the blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus.

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    The blue and red shrimp, Aristeus antennatus, is a commercially important crustacean, in the Mediterranean Sea, which has been listed as a priority species for fishery management. Hypervariable microsatellite markers could be a useful tool to identify genetic stocks among geographically close fishing grounds. Potential microsatellite markers (97) identified from next-generation sequencing of an individual shrimp using a 454 GS Junior Pyrosequencer were tested on a preliminary panel of 15 individuals representing the four worldwide genetic stocks of the species from which 35 polymorphic loci were identified and used to characterize an additional 20 individuals from the Western Mediterranean Sea. In the Western Mediterranean sample, 32 out of 35 were polymorphic loci and the number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 14 and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.050 to 0.968. No linkage disequilibrium was detected, indicating the independence of the loci. These novel microsatellites provide additional tools to address questions relating to genetic diversity, parentage studies and connectivity patterns of A. antennatus populations and help develop effective strategies to ensure long-term sustainability of this resourc

    Proyecto de educación en salud ambiental: "El castillo mágico"

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    El presente es un proyecto de educación en salud ambiental titulado "El Castillo Mágico", realizado por Médicos del Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom que cursan el Diplomado en Educación Superior en Salud de la Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador (UEES), promoción 2002, válido como trabajo de graduación. Tiene como propósito que a través de actividades recreativas los niños(as) que consultan a este hospital, se conviertan en personas susceptibles de participar en forma positiva y activa en el proceso de cambio ecológico, para mejorar el medio ambiente en que viven y por ende su salud, partiendo de la concepción de la salud y la enfermedad como un fenómeno bio-psico-social

    Migraciones en América Central: Políticas, territorios y actores

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    Migraciones en América Central. Políticas, territorios y actores procura ofrecer un acercamiento a las diversas dimensiones de la experiencia migratoria en Centroamérica. Cuatro puntos de partida caracterizan este libro: el carácter público de la convocatoria, la dimensión colectiva del trabajo, la perspectiva regional que se nutre del contraste y comparación de casos y, en cuarto lugar, la convocatoria que da origen a este libro. Lo anterior ha permitido contar con una tarea concreta para darle forma a las expectativas del trabajo público, colectivo y regional.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Ciencias Sociales::Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación ColectivaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IIS

    Tópicos de marketing

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    Lograr un equilibrio entre acciones humanas, armonía con la naturaleza, y satisfacer las necesidades del mercado actual sin poner en riesgo aquellos recursos que pudieran precisar las futuras generaciones, es lo importante de impulsar la aplicación del marketing sostenible en las organizaciones. Esto se logra a través de la elaboración de un plan de marketing sostenible que permitirá promover un consumo responsable a través de información clara y oportuna sobre los beneficios personales y sociales que genera la adquisición de productos sostenibles; implantar el reciclado a través de la logística de reversa, procedimiento que origina poca o nula generación de desechos, proporcionar empleos seguros, apoyar al medio ambiente y con responsabilidad social, son algunos beneficios que aporta. El presente capítulo tiene como objetivo proporcionar los principales aspectos que abordan el marketing sostenible, mostrar la importancia de la realización de este marketing para las empresas, así como aportar los pasos para desarrollar un plan de marketing sostenible

    Tópicos de marketing

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